Getting everyone to sing from the same sheet of music is a pesky business, it doesn’t matter if it is a small family, a community, or an entire state. Obviously the more people involved, the more difficult the task.
The task is made more arduous when we are dealing with laws, because few of us have law degrees. It is worth a moment of our time to understand the basics of a new law recently passed in New Jersey, because this law deals with a fundamental issue currently coming into question in our democracy: Who is in charge, the citizens, or the people who run government?
Obviously, we know from our history books, the power resides with the citizens, but nothing stays the same, and things not exercised wither away. One of the things withering away is the understanding, both on the part of citizens and public officials alike that public records are in fact “public” records, and with rare exception are open to anybody who wishes to see them for any reason, stated or unstated.
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